Kintsugi Way – Three.

Every morning ask yourself: What do we miss while we are racing around being 'busy'?

Connection. With ourselves and others. Our most powerful lessons and growth opportunities lie waiting for us in everyday, small moments.

Moments that, if we are too 'busy' rushing through our day and ticking off to-do lists, will simply pass us by.

My decision to stop and help Dennis, a spritely 87 year old struggling to find his way around a hospital bestowed on me a gift of 30 minutes of one of the most inspiring conversations (and important reminders!) I have had.

There to support his partner Florence (93), they had been together 29 years. He was quick to tell me they never married because then she would lose her widow's Veteran Gold Card status from her first marriage. Smart man - free medical visits for life and no pressure to wed

Even smarter was his view on life. His theory that "life was full of twists and turns” and that this was not a bad thing. Instead, something you learn to understand and adapt to accordingly. He shared a few of his own twists and turns. A few that made me laugh, one that made me cry He stalled frequently to wrestle his memory for details but our short exchange left me in awe of the way he chose to live and reflect upon his life.

Thank you Dennis for reminding me that:

1. Bad things happen - to you and those you care about. Tread carefully with yourself, and others, and eventually there will be healing

2. Ask clearly for what you want, at work but especially when it comes to love. Dennis worked by his partner’s side (for free) for six years cleaning houses to help her pay off her debts so they could build a life together

3. Try new things, you might like them

4. Work hard, people eventually notice and they give you more opportunity because of it

5. Some things that happen are so gut wrenchingly sad you will never understand them, so don’t try to. There will never be a justification for pain that deep but it will show you how powerful having support around you is

6. Don’t begrudge working on Christmas Day, be grateful for the work. Just wake the kids at 3am and give them their presents then!

7. Never be too 'busy' to stop and create an opportunity to connect with someone. You might just be lucky enough to meet a very wise 87 year old you can learn from and walk away a little more determined to squeeze every drop out of life




Kintsugi Way – Two.